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Piano Keys

Lily Cheung, Pianist

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Lily Cheung began her piano lesson at the age of three. She completed the music foundation course at the Cambridge Art and Science with distinction. Having received offers from some of the well-known music conservatoires of the UK, Cheung went to the Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) with entrance award scholarship in the following year. She graduated from the RNCM with Bachelor of Music (Honours), Master of Music and Postgraduate Diploma in solo performance.

During her studies, she learned the piano with David Christophersen, Graham Scott (Head of Keyboard Studies at the RNCM) and Stephen Savage. She was given opportunities to play in the masterclasses of famous pianists Daumantas Khilauskas, Frank Wibaut and Aleksandra Zvirblyte.


Lily Cheung has had many performing experiences. She gave solo performances at the Emmanuel Church, Cambridge and St Ann’s Church, Manchester, and also participated actively in the annual composers’ music festival held at the RNCM. In 2009, she was selected to work with contemporary composer James Macmillan and to play his keyboard work in public.

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張氏三歲習琴,以傑出的成績完成了劍橋大學藝術與科學學院音樂基礎課程。同年她獲英國多間知名的音樂學院取錄,最後她選擇了入讀皇家北方音樂學院 (Royal Northern College of Music),並獲奬學金繼續深造,取得了榮譽音樂學士學位、音樂碩士學位和深造演奏文憑。期間,她跟隨多名鋼琴大師習琴,包括 David Christophersen、Graham Scott (皇家北方音樂學院鍵盤樂系主任) 和 Stephen Savage。她亦獲選在鋼琴家Daumantas Khilauskas、 Frank Wibaut 和 Aleksandra Zvirblyte 的大師班中彈奏。

張氏演出經驗豐富,除了在劍橋伊曼紐爾教堂 (Emmanuel Church) 和曼徹斯特聖安教堂 (St. Ann's Church) 以鋼琴獨奏身份演出之外,亦多次參與皇家北方音樂學院一年一度舉行的作曲家音樂節。2009年,她獲選與現代作曲家 James Macmillan 合作,公開演奏其鋼琴作品。

Piano Concert Hall
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Sergei Prokofiev's Piano Sonata no. 5 in C major, Op. 38
Lily Cheung plays Rachmaninoff's Preludes
Lily Cheung's piano recital (part 2)
Lily Cheung's piano recital (part 1)
Lily Cheung's piano recital (part 3)
Prokofiev Piano sonata no 5 1st movt
debussy image book one 1st movement
Debussy Images, book one   Reflets dans l'eau
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